Centopia Characters

♦ Sinette ♦

Name Sinette Gender Female Particular (physical) characteristics Blue mane with pink blossoms. Particular skills She’s the only Unicorn that is able to jump through waterfalls. Belonging to which herd Ferngrass Herd. Favorite pasture ground in Centopia The shore of the Big Pond. Best friend among the Unicorns She and Volo […]

♦ Malina ♦

Name Malina Gender Female Particular (physical) characteristics Shining red-haired mane with thick braids. Particular skills She is especially caring and always senses when a Unicorn is unhappy. She’s a good listener. The other Unicorns come to confide in her because she always has good advice. Belonging to which herd Ferngrass […]

♦ Dragons ♦

Centopia is also home to wild Dragons. The dragons are actually quite harmless and live peacefully alongside the Unicorns and other creatures in Centopia. But the Dragons are caught and used by Panthea’s army, the Munculus, to help fulfill Panthea’s evil plans.

♦ Panthea and Muncs ♦

Centopia is menaced by the evil Queen Panthea. She and her field general Gargona command an army of soldiers called the Munculus, or Muncs for short. They are the Unicorn’s worst enemies because they want to steal their horns! The ivory is meant to bring restore youth of vain Panthea […]

♦ Unicorns ♦

The Unicorns of Centopia are mystical and untameable creatures. They live a wild, free and happy life. Centopia’s Unicorns are also loyal, peaceful and highly compassionate beings. When they rub their horns against tree trunks, a magical powder falls to the ground, which keeps the nature in Centopia flourishing. Their […]

♦ The Royal Family ♦

The Elves are ruled by wise King Raynor and the graceful Queen Mayla. Raynor once was among the bravest warriors of Centopia. Mayla is the gentle advisor to the King and a very calming influence to the whole family. Raynor and Mayla are the parents of Prince Mo, a master in the art […]

♦ Pans ♦

Pans are tiny, shy creatures that hide everywhere in Centopia: in every tree, behind every bush and yes, even under every rock! They are rarely seen, but their sweet music can be heard throughout the land. Except when there is danger nearby: then the Pans immediately stop playing and quickly […]

♦ Mia and Yuko ♦

Mia is a normal 12-year-old girl, living in a boarding school in Florence, Italy. But she owns a mysterious book and a magic bracelet that allow her into the wondrous world of Centopia, a realm full of Elves, Pans and Unicorns. Here she is transformed into a beautiful Elf with a unique […]