Mia & Me Bubble Trumptus

Mia-and-Me-Bubble-Trumptus (4)

With the Mia & Me Bubble Trumptus you can driving out the evil Panthea and her Munculus Warriors. Great iridescent soap bubbles can be blown. The liquor is poured into the small bowl, exchanged into the Trumptus and blown through. The set of 17 cm Trumptus and 60 ml of liquor is included.

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Mia-and-Me-Bubble-Trumptus (1) Mia-and-Me-Bubble-Trumptus (2) Mia-and-Me-Bubble-Trumptus (3)


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[amazon asin=B00C81XLI2&text=You can order Mia and Me Bubble Trumptus here!]